Hello my darlings,
I am sat writing to you and listening to this newly released song from one of my cycle coach sisters, Zoe @sun_daughter_music (why not put it on while you are reading?).
Happy full moon! I am about to do a full moon card pull as full moon is 11.08am BST. You might want to do one with me? Take a deep breath and choose one of the cards below that you feel drawn to and remember which one it is and I will reveal it at the end, along with journal prompts.
Update from Womb Wisdom HQ
After a very busy summer I am feeling called to pull back and down as Autumn shows herself here in the northern hemisphere. After a really expansive 6 months, birthing lots of things in my biz, I am ready for some integration and some down time to take stock and harvest the gold from what I have sown. How are you feeling in this transition?
I am absolutely loving working from my womb room and am so grateful to have this space to create and engage in, a womb room of ones own is really a joy!
If you are local to south wales and want to come over for a cuppa please get in touch!
Top Tip for Autumn (inner & outer)
I am really wanting to nourish myself more in outer autumn and have started making stock for soups and wanting more hearty, warming and nourishing foods.
I have had a few chats with my lovely current and previous cycle coaching clients this week about how best to prepare for your inner autumn, when you are in your inner spring / summer and have more juice in your tank! One of the best ways to help manage those cravings we get in autumn (we do actually need more calories in our luteal phase as we are nourishing our womb lining in case we are also nourishing a pregnancy) is to meal plan / prepare foods when you have the capacity. To avoid making quick and easy food decisions that won't balance our blood sugar and will lead to more cravings and which will not support healthy and happy hormones!
Think high protein and increasing complex carbs (e.g. root veg, pulses, whole grains and loads of veggies). One of the best tips I share with clients is trying to ensure they have enough protein at every meal (30g at each meal!) to balance their blood sugar which can be a total game changer. Use the 80/20 rule (try and be balanced 80% of the time and say F it the other 20%!!).
Let me know how you get on! I am here for all the cycle chat all day long!!
As it's full moon I have made both my recorded workshops free to access to my subscribers. There is a 15 min video on menstrual story work, which explores some of the things that impact on our narrative.
There is also a 40 min video on Pace-ful parenting whilst perioding, which explores charting / syncing and using a therapeutic strategy to support you when you are parenting in your inner autumn/winter. Happy watching.
Card pull
Card A - return to source - letting go allows me to begin again.
Prompt - What in my life am I no longer inspired by but continue to put my time and efforts toward?
Card B - Menstruation - I surrender to my body's sacred wisdom.
Prompt - What are my thoughts and beliefs about menstruation? Where do these originate from, and do they serve me?
Card C - Fox - I can sense what is in alignment for me.
Prompt - what opportunities do I have in front of me to choose from? Which ones feel most in alignment?
I would love to know how those cards landed for you? Just hit reply and let me know.
I would love to invite you to share my details with anyone who you think might enjoy my blogs or who might need a cycleologist (thanks to my friend for coming up with this wonderful title!) in their lives!
*card deck is 'sacred cycles - Jill Pyle & Em Dewey.
Big love, Hannah - CEO of Womb Wisdom XX
photo by the super talented Sarah Haille photography.